I Let Instagram Pick My Meals for a Week

Deciding what to eat everyday is such a hassle, without variety meals get boring but creating variety takes time and effort. So I let Instagram decide what I would be eating for a week.

Full Disclosure: I try to eat as little meat and animal products as possible to I used the #vegetarian category to source all of my choices.

Out of 21.8 Million posts the following were what I was fated to eat for the week. I had 2 rules:

  1. I must go in chronological order of how the images show up
  2. I must try to imitate the dish to the best of my abilities

The first image was one of chocolate chip pancakes posted by miss foodie.yuki, stacked upon each other with what looks like a dab of yogurt topped with dark chocolate chunks, black berries and flowers.


Also noticed some sliced oranges faded in the back so I included that as well. Flowers did not make the cut sadly.

Day #2 was sourced from theveganclublifestyle, which featured quinoa, chickpeas, spinach, broccoli, baby tomatoes and what looks to be a sweet potato. Although this statement may be controversial, I must admit: I do not like avocados so I purposefully chose to not include it. 

Prior, I had never had chickpeas before. However this experience has made me OBSESSED with them.

Day #3 was also from theveganclublifestyle, which featured a colorful salad made up of what looked to be cubed mozzarella cheese, baby tomatoes, spinach (or other greens), a cucumber, chickpeas and olives. I am not a fan of olives so I chose to not include them.

My version did look quite different, most likely due to the lack of olives and dressing.

Day #4 was super exciting to see because I ADORE pizza. This image was taken from veganspotsnchefs which was a heavily loaded vegetable pizza.

My version was a truffle mushroom variety that I bought from Walmart.

FOOD BREAK! Next up in chronological order came this adorable piglet. Please enjoy it as much as I did.

Day #5 was taken from vegan_veganfood, which was a spinach dish with sliced mushrooms and dumplings.

This day was by far my favorite as it was both filling and nutritious. As you will see it is quite fortunate that I liked it as much as I did…..

Day #6 sported a salad filled with grilled brussel sprouts and croutons (the avocado was once again ignored). This one was posted by alexafuelednaturally. 

The picture does not do it justice because this was SO GOOD. I made an alfredo-like nutritional yeast sauce to tie it all together.

Lastly, Day #7 was super uneventful and quite frankly disappointing because of how closely it resembled day #5. It even came from the same vegan_veganfood account and the only difference was the type of dumpling-sort of carb included which was now Uszka (I’m very Polish).

However, I stuck it out and recreated the same dish and it was equally enjoyable the second time.

Overall, there was a huge amount of variety this week and I got to have things I haven’t had in ages because I had to the excuse to do so. I’ve never tried chickpeas in my life before and would normally never buy blackberries or chocolate chip pancakes but I was delighted to have a reason to.

I actually may continue doing this trend as it is healthier than I thought it was going to be and I had something to look forward to everyday.

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